Wednesday, 14 October 2009

And on the first day she rested


Being at uni, vlogs are a bit more difficult to produce. They're loud and disturb people and I don't feel entirely comfortable in this environment to do them :S.

So I thought I needed SOMEWAY to update every so often otherwise you would have all thought I'd died or something.

Saying that there isn't much to update on surprisingly. Yeah I'm at uni now, met some lovely ppl, flatmates are awesome, course has just started getting good (Media Practice bitches). So yeah very dull really haha.

Last night yours truly was on her AOL and IM pops up. It was someone who'd been messaging me the last week or so but I'd always ignored it cos I didn't recognise the username. Finally I caved and checked what the actual message was. It read,
'Oh just wanted to say I really like your Monkey Island walkthrough!'
So I thought, 'oh a youtubian' so I reply thanking them kindly and we continue to chat for a bit. They then ask if I've bought 'Tales of Monkey Island' yet, like pre-bought all the chapters. I say yes and they respond with,
'Ah shame, was gonna set you up with them.'
I tell him that that was a very kind thought but I don't mind paying the £30 since the game's amazing, and that I'm not entirely comfortable with people I don't know buying me things.
'Oh I didn't mean like that, wasn't gonna buy them for ya, I'm on the inside you see' he says.

I'm all 'eh??'

Cue huge bomb drop!

'Yeah, I'm one of the lead designers you see, my name is Mark Darin'


Apparently he likes to watch my walkthrough when he's scripting and stuff cos it keeps him in the 'MI vibe'!

Wicked shit and I assure you he is a LOVELY guy and so friendly! Was utterly blown away.

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