Friday 1 October 2010

Documentation: The Making of Documentary


Once again this is overdue and I really don't use this journal as much as I should. Somedays, like today, I feel more productive and reflective than others and since my printer is not working (so I can't actually do my UNI project as yet) I'm stuck with this instead lol.

A few brief news points:
- I am currently about to start making a documentary for my uni course. Have yet to decide what subject though, my group and I are quite strapped for ideas. My two (vague) ideas so far are: Muslim women in Western society and the conflicts between their religion's views towards them and different human rights towards them in other countries, gonna be honest, could be quite a heavy subject. The other was a documentation following an archeological find in Egypt or something of that nature, eg. 'The Book of the Dead' exhibition at the British Museum and the 'pages' travels to locations.

I've watched a few documentaries for research (I'm amazed I am so into the research of this project considering I don't really watch or even LIKE a lot of documentaries) namely ones about geisha though cos I fucking love geisha. I've already watched BBC's 'Geisha Girl' (2005) three times.

Kikuyu (my favourite maiko and now geiko)
I do not claim to own this photo.

However I suppose watching one documentary several times isn't really research haha so today I took out two called 'Grizzly Man' (Herzog, 2006) and 'Wheel of Time' (Herzog, 2007) to watch for a wider purpose. Also got down with my nerd side and got 'Documentaries and How to Make Them' by Andy Glynne out too.
So yes even though I wasn't particularly excited about this project, nor this year at uni, I'm feeling a little more optimistic now.

- I bought a moleskin, a beautiful moleskin, for documenting ideas. I'm concerntrating on one at the mo, one idea I've had for a long time and really want to develop more; my intention is to one day make it into a film/s or tv series but at this moment in time I'm aiming towards a comic after reading and drooling over Der-shing Helmer's 'The Meek'.

Brilliant comic, wonderfully drawn. Check it out.

-I promise I will make more vlogs soon. I wanted to make some over summer but my summer was faaar from fun for a load of reasons and also Premiere Pro wouldn't fecking co-operate. I've managed to whip it into shape now though so I will make some more vlogs. I want to make one tomorrow actually, maybe in the evening? I'm out in the day, gonna go with my mate Joe into town and photograph our day as a documentary experiment and research....yep.

-Lastly, for now, Bayonetta is a sick game! Ghostbusters is also awesome however the glitches and bugs in it are insane! 'BILL!! Fuck sake stop running into Dan! There's a freaking slimer on the rampage!!' Whish reminds me I want to get a playthrough up of 'Tales of Monkey Island' up and going as well as possibly a 'Whispered World' playthrough.

That's all for now though. Hopefully see you soon!!

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